Saturday, November 30, 2019
Jfk Essays (507 words) - Kennedy Family, Bouvier Family,
Jfk John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963). He was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917,the second oldest in a family of nine children, the son of financier Joseph P. Kennedy, who served as ambassador to Great Britain during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He graduated from Harvard University in 1940. In 1941, John Kennedy joined the Navy. He became the commander of a small boat assigned to the battle in the Pacific against the Japanese. After World War II he soon decided to run for political office. In 1946, he was elected to the U.S. Congress, Kennedy, a Democrat, served three terms (six years) in the House of Representatives, and in 1952 he was elected to the U.S. Senate.In 1953, he married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. In the general election on November 8, 1960, Kennedy defeated Vice President Richard M. Nixon, in a very close race. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President and the first Catholic. Just after the election, the Kennedy's second child, John Jr., was born. Kennedy wanted Americans to travel to a more distant destination. In May 1961, after Alan Shepard became the first American astronaut to fly into space, Kennedy asked Congress to spend more money on space exploration, with the goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade.In 1963, clashes between the police and demonstrating blacks in Birmingham, Ala., and elsewhere, especially in the South, induced the president to stress civil rights legislation. Kennedy's new civil rights message included bills to ban discrimination in places of business; to speed up desegregation of public schools; and to end discrimination in the hiring of workers on federal construction projects. On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas, Texas, the fourth United States president to die by an assassin's bullet. The state funeral of President Kennedy was watched on television by millions around the world. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. During his time as President, JFK had to make difficult decisions. Many of the hardest choices concerned the relationship between our nation and the Soviet Union. President Kennedy's death caused enormous sadness and grief among all Americans. Most people still remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news of the murder. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Washington for the President's funeral, and millions throughout the world watched it on television. As the years have gone by and other Presidents have written their chapters in history, John Kennedy's brief time in office stands out in people's memories--for his leadership, personality, and accomplishments. Many respect his coolness when faced with difficult decisions--like what to do about the missiles in Cuba. Others admire his ability to inspire people with his eloquent speeches. Still others think his compassion and his willingness to fight for new government programs to help the poor, the elderly and the ill were most important. Like all leaders, John Kennedy made mistakes, but he was always optimistic about the future. He believed that people could solve their common problems if they put their country's interests first and worked together. History Essays
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Any Any Any By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, If a countable noun comes after any, then should it [the noun] be singular or plural? Like the indefinite article a/an, the word any derives from a form of the Old English word for one. Primarily an adjective, it is also used as a pronoun. As an adjective, any is most commonly followed by plural or uncountable nouns: In questions: Do you have any tomatoes for sale? (plural noun) Baa, baa Black Sheep, have you any wool? (uncountable noun) In negative statements: I don’t have any books by that author. (plural noun) The lion didn’t have any courage. (uncountable noun) In conditional statements: If your final draft contains any errors, it will be rejected. (plural noun) If you need any help with the proofing, let me know. (uncountable noun) Sometimes any is used to modify a singular countable noun: Any fourth-grader should be able to read that book. Any grammar book will have a section on relative pronouns. In these sentences, any is used in the sense of every: Every fourth-grader should be able to read that book. Every grammar book will have a section on relative pronouns. Sometimes a singular countable noun follows any in a question: Is there any rule that says I can’t dye my hair green? Is there any reason you slam the screen door every time you go through it? In the above contexts, the speaker does not anticipate more than one rule or reason, if any. On the other hand, a speaker who anticipates that there could be several rules or reasons would follow any with a plural noun: Are there any rules against further construction in this neighborhood? Are there any reasons we shouldn’t require job applicants to submit samples of their writing? As a pronoun, any stands for a noun that has already been expressed, or when it is followed by the preposition of: Of all the books I have read, this one is more memorable than any. If there are any of the pecans left after the sale, you may have them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:8 Proofreading Tips And TechniquesPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Personal Account of the Dream of Making the Deans List, the Fear of Failure, and the Support of My Parents
A Personal Account of the Dream of Making the Dean's List, the Fear of Failure, and the Support of My Parents Failing Well I always wanted to make the dean’s list and unfortunately I have been unable to do so which can be very frustrating when you try your very best and it isn’t good enough. I mean I try everything possible to get straight A’s and nothing seems to work. I have got a tutor for every class possible and it helps bring my grade up but not high enough to where I need it to be. I try multiple studying techniques all of which seem effective but I don’t really do too much better on my test. I do all extra credit assignments that are available but those tend to be only worth a few points so it doesn’t make much of a difference. Now under no circumstances am I saying that I am doing horrible in college, I am actually doing really well achieving A’s B’s. I learned that pluses and minuses make a big difference with grades and GPA so even though I got A’s and B’s those grades were too low in their percent tile for me to make the deanâ €™s list, I want to at least make it once before I graduate. I would always call home and tell my parents about my grades and how I felt and they responded two completely different ways but were both helpful in their own unique way of comforting me. When my mom would listen to me talk about my grades she would tell me how proud of me she was and that I tried my best and that I would get it next time. She never once let me talk bad about myself and she always encouraged me to try my best and that is more than enough when it comes to my grades. Now my dad did the same but he did it with more of a just try to not get lower than a C and he’s okay with it. He knew how hard I was working and pushing myself and he didn’t want me going overboard and stressing myself out more than I had to. Once I got to college is when he came to be very encouraging and always telling me he was proud of me which meant a lot and would calm me down when I would freak out about my grades. Both of my parents are very supportive and let me know that no matt er what happens they are always proud of me and that they always will be and that means more to me than they will ever know. My biggest fear was always failure itself, never being able to be good enough for anyone or anything. Now my dad is very supportive but when I was younger all he focused on was where I could improve. Nothing I ever did was good enough so I always felt like a failure because if I can’t even make my own family proud than how am I supposed to make others proud and show them that I am more than good enough. A lot of my childhood was spent trying to make my dad proud of me, my mom was very supportive and always there for me which I am forever grateful for but I crave the approval of him. I didn’t get that growing up so I always felt like a failure and like I would never be able to be successful because of the fact that I couldn’t even get the approval of my dad. My dad first time telling me he was proud of me was towards the end of my freshman year fall semester so about a year ago†¦I cried due to the fact that I had finally succeeded at what I wanted to for so long but I couldn’t figure out why it took so long for it to happen. He had this tough love mentality and just never gave encouraging words because he didn’t want us to get used to being complimented or getting rewarded for doing what we were supposed to do in the first place. Looking back on it, I understand where he was coming from but I don’t think his way of trying to make his point helped me at all. I honestly think it hurt me more than anything else because I just always felt like I was a failure. I will thank him though for being hard on me because it pushed me to work harder and never give up even when I wanted to. My mom helped me a lot when it came to not giving up and keeping me going and for that I thank her as well. I learned that you can’t succeed at everything as well as you can’t please everyone. You will fail at certain points of your life but I believe you fail at certain things because there is something better and more worthy of your time, energy, and focus. If you try your best and it doesn’t get you to where you want to be then that is okay, the fact that you tried your best should be more than enough and you can try a different approach next time. No one is 100% successful and no one is a 100% failure. Failures are lessons you learn from to figure out how to finally come to the solution you want and I think they are very much necessary believe it or not. If you never fail, you won’t understand the meaning of success nor will you appreciate it and then it won’t mean anything. At the time it might not seem like a good thing to fail but in the end it was part of an instruction to steer you in the right direction to success.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case memo Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case memo - Term Paper Example This strategy involves further research and development that will help the organization in maintaining a competitive advantage. The strategy entails giving loan and credit facilities to existing retailers that can embrace the use of low cost strategy. Since Benetton has been able to produce and market their products in an efficient way as compared to its competitors, then this strategy is appropriate for the organization. Additionally, their uniqueness and superior value to buyers gives them an advantage. This is evident with their united color scheme, quality of products among other special features of the organization. Opportunities The efficiency of the strategy is the reality that the retailers and licensees seeking support are familiar with the operations of the organization. Therefore, much of the resources will be directed towards giving support to the existing running businesses since they meet organizational goals and objectives. The productivity of employees is sufficient i n meeting customer demands. Furthermore, productivity is sustained due to the efficiency of capital and R&D collaboration. These elements are key measures that facilitate the high increase of profits for the Benetton. The quality of excellence shows that the organization has superior qualities because of their style, features and functions, design, level of service and aesthetic appeal of products. The reliability of the products has enabled consumers realize the value attributed to Benetton’s products. As such, the needs of customers are satisfied and hence, value is attributed to the product by the consumer of the product. Risks Apart from the opportunities, the external and internal risks involved in this strategy are the high level of imitators from competing organizations. This lowers the standards and quality of products produced. However, Benetton still has an advantage because the marketing strategy employed in the advertising of products covers this area. Therefore, the organization needs to ensure that other risks of selling at a lower market price are abolished. Current situation Currently, the organization has over 6000 stores sales and is listed in the stock market. This will mean that the company should engage in activities that are competitive because of high levels of competition. So far, the business is doing well, but needs to put in place measures that will assist it to attain sustainability and still be competitive in the market. The unique products assembled by the organization has enabled them maintain the majority of their customers. Additional support provided to retailers and licensees will enable Benetton to create differentiation and ultimately lead to a competitive advantage, which means higher customer response increases value of the product. For example, in Japan the group shows an increase in the number of stores in operation between 1986 and 1993. The profits and employees working in the organization has increased, which shows that the organization is running at a profit and is maximizing on the number of outlets available in order to foster values of products among consumers in a market niche. Recommendations In this instance, by providing additional support to the existing licensees or retailers strategy best suits the needs of Benetton because it matches with their goals and objectives. The input and output
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
READING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
READING - Assignment Example Of great interest is the position that Kal Raustilia and Chris Sprigman (2012) take, contrary to conventional knowledge and mainstream belief. Raustilia and Sprigman are of the persuasion that it is not possible to quantify losses attributed to piracy and copyright violations and that statistical provisions by proponents of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) which show that copyright infringement costs the US 200 billion dollars and 750,000 jobs annually, cannot be relied upon. Raustilia and Sprigman (2012) cite Tim Lee’s assertion that statistical figures should neither be taken at face value, nor unquestionably relied upon since such figures are almost always prone to approximations, double and triple counting. Raustilia and Sprigman continue that in some instances, music piracy may serve as substitute for legitimate transactions, and that the same can also trigger increased savings, since, instead of money being spent to purchase music, music is downloa ded on the one hand. On the other hand, increased savings may catalyze economically significant initiatives and undertakings, and thereby covering for the supposed loss of jobs and revenue which piracy may have caused. Nevertheless, a critical look at factors that underpin legislation which proscribe the infringement of copyright rules and logical reasoning leave the proposition which Raustilia and Sprigman advance as too impractical to be effected. In the same vein, it is most probable that Raustilia and Sprigman had not thought deeply about the implications that would come with the violation and collective disregard of copyright laws. In the first place, Gorski (2011) illustrates that the need to safeguard creativity and originality defeats the standpoint that Raustilia and Sprigman (2012) advance. It must be realized that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17 of the United States Code, the NET Act and the Copyright Act of 1909 do not merely seek to ensure that all who ac cess music buy them, but to actually protect originality and creativity. Always, music is a culmination of training and creativity which are valuable resources. It is preposterous to argue that the training and creativity which an individual uses to earn a living should be treated as valueless. In this case, Raustilia and Sprigman’s proposition that music piracy can help generate financial or economic value does not suffice since such an arrangement alienates the original thinker, creator and director of an original piece from his work. The kind of advancement which Raustilia and Sprigman make is tantamount to robbing Peter to pay Paul, if not worse. In a separate wavelength, it is important to note that legislative pieces such as the Copyright Act of 1909, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17 of the United States Code and the NET Act are the very provisions which created the existence of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and mandates RIAA to disc harge its duties and responsibilities. RIAA shows clearly that the music industry alone have forfeited millions of dollars to piracy. RIAA further divulges that in 2002, music revenue fell by 7% since the sale of CDs declined from 882 million to 803 million units. The report that RIAA provides in this case may be used to vindicate the statistical provisions that the proponents of SOPA and PIPA advance
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology Essay Example for Free
Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology Essay Because we have a capitalistic economy, business is the main component of it. Business is in every corner of every sector of the market. Most everything you can possible think of that relates to the economy is business. Retail, services, agriculture, manufacturing, health care, even political campaigning all involves business. Even when civilizations were based on an agricultural type of economy, business transactions occurred The business I have chosen for this is Mc Donald’s. In 1974, McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the US. Today, more than 2. million people in this country place the trust in McDonald’s every day -trusting the Company to provide us with food of a high standard, quick service and value for money. Customer service is very important to the McDonalds because it says that they care about their customers. Customer service very important and vital part of any organization, which is selling goods, or service because it exists to satisfy customers Good customer service will bring you new and keep old customers but if you have bad customer service this will make customers unhappy and they will stop visiting you and the business will not have new customers. McDonalds operates in a very competitive market. It generally keeps its prices within a compatible range to its competition. What McDonalds can d There is more than one definition for corporate social responsibility. One way in which it can be defined is the obligation of organization management to make decisions and take actions that will enhance the welfare and interests of society as well as the organization (Daft, 2003). In other words, corporate actions have social implications, and managers have a responsibility to act in ways which benefit society as well as the organization (Body, 2005). The difficulty that most companies of today are facing is that investing money in order to become more socially responsible may benefit one of the company’s stakeholders, but have the opposite effect for another stakeholder. For example, investing money into the corporate social responsibility is very expensive in the short-term, so whether or not a company decides to become more socially responsible will depend on how willing the shareholders are to invest in such a project. However, the company could see an increase in profits in the long-term future if they were to do so. Nonprofit organizations should be present in the economy to create those services and goods that are necessary for people but are not profitable for companies to produce them. For-profit organizations pay taxes to government and it this way make it possible for nonprofit organizations to fulfill their role 3Energy conservation – Finding additional ways to enhance energy efficiency in restaurants in order to save money and lessen environmental impacts. Sustainable packaging and waste management – Continue exploring ways to decrease the environmental impacts of consumer packaging and waste in restaurant operations. Green building design – Enhance strict building standards to incorporate further opportunities for environmental efficiencies and innovation in the design and construction of restaurants. McDonalds have long recognized the value of minimizing their environmental footprint. This action is not only good for the world in which they operate, it’s a strong contributor to McDonald’s long-term financial success.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
No Wasted Time :: College Admissions Essays
No Wasted Time The first piece of "serious and literary" grown-up fiction I remember reading without duress was All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren. I was fourteen, and for the past two years my pleasure reading had consisted entirely of science fiction-I consumed one book per day in this genre. Not all of this time was wasted, but the diet had become a little monotonous. The students a year ahead of me in high school were assigned to read Warren's novel. I picked up a copy in a study hall, to while away fifteen minutes of tedium. In that amount of time I was hooked. First edge of cynicism on its poetic valences. When I had read more of the book I was taken by the richness of its meanings, how thoroughly and thoughtfully the sense of every action and episode had been interlocked with all the others. I had wanted to be a writer before, but I had known that this was what a book could do, or that this was how you did it. I reread All the King's Men half a dozen times, for me it was a portal to a whole lot of other serious fiction, but the novel itself holds up very well under such intense poring. George Garrett once said that one of the problems of student writers is that they were fed a diet of masterpieces. Masterpiece fiction is too well made for you to figure out how the writer did it. To pick up technique, the thing to do is read genre.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Basic Concept of International Development
International development or global development is a concept that lacks a universally accepted definition, but it is most used in a holistic and multi-disciplinary context of human development – the development of livelihoods and greater quality of life for humans. It therefore encompasses foreign aid, governance, healthcare, education, gender equality, disaster preparedness, infrastructure, economics, human rights, environment and issues associated with these.International development is related to the concept of international aid, but is distinct from, though conceptually related to, disaster relief and humanitarian aid. While these two forms of international support seek to alleviate some of the problems associated with a lack of development, they are most often short term fixes – they are not necessarily long-term solutions. International development, on the other hand, seeks to implement long-term solutions to problems by helping developing countries create the nec essary capacity needed to provide such sustainable solutions to their problems.A truly sustainable development project is one whichwill be able to carry on indefinitely with no further international involvement or support, whether it is financial or otherwise. |International development projects may consist of a single, transformative project to address a specific problem or a series of projects | |targeted at several aspects of society. will be able to carry on indefinitely with no further international involvement or support, whether it is financial or otherwise. International development projects may consist of a single, transformative project to address a specific problem or a series of projects | |targeted at several aspects of society. will be able to carry on indefinitely with no further international involvement or support, whether it is financial or otherwise. |International development projects may consist of a single, transformative project to address a specific problem o r a series of projects | |targeted at several aspects of society.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How effectively does Parker translate Act 3 Scene 3 on to the Screen? Essay
This is the first time I have read a Shakespeare play, however I have seen the film version of Romeo and Juliet. At first it was hard to understand, the language was difficult but it was a good story. Parker made the film to suit regular filmgoers, and I found it easier to understand. The plot was gripping gut the language was challenging. The costume, the language and the photography all made it a good Shakespeare experience. As the plot of Othello is more relevant to today than Shakespeare’s time, it includes all the elements of modern day films, and is well presented by Parker. I choose to assess how effectively Parker translates the original script of Act 3 Scene 3, the temptation scene. This is the pivotal scene in the play. At the beginning Othello declares his love for Desdemona, but by the end his mind is set on killing her. This scene also shows the power of Iago and the ability to manipulate all the others. The ‘temptation scene’ is the longest and most important scene in the play. Iago, whose ingenuity, inventiveness, cunning, lack and hypocrisy are evident throughout, plays the dominant role in this scene. An analysis of the various crucial stages in Iagos assault on Othello’s peace of mind, and on the reputations of Desdemona and Cassio, will reveal the depth of Iagos evil genius. At the beginning of the scene Othello is happily married by the end he has decided to murder his wife and Cassio. Iago immediately sets to work, using the slender evidence so far to hand against Cassio. He concentrates first on Cassio’s role as a go-between in Othello’s wooing of Desdemona, and allows Othello to recall the circumstances of Cassio’s departure from Desdemona, and his own reservations about it. Othello has not been favourably impressed by the furtive manner of Cassio’s departure, and is not helped by Desdemona’s insistent, repetitions, irritating pleading on Cassio’s behalf. Iago’s main strategy at this point is to throw out dark, mysterious hints of something that he pretends he does not want to bother Othello with. Iago succeeds in giving the impression that there are some disreputable truths behind his insinuations. Othello’s suspicions inevitably grow, as Iago warns him of the dangers of jealousy. Iago tells Othello that Venetian women are notorious for infidelity to their husbands. He reminds Othello that Desdemona’s deception of her father in marrying him, and points the unnaturalness of her choice of Othello in preference to someone of her own race. Othello is now convinced of Iago’s honesty and knowledge of human nature that he searches for reasons for Desdemona’s infidelity. The sight of Desdemona only causes confusion in Othello’s mind. She notices a distressing change in his attitude and behaviour, and, in trying to help him, drops her handkerchief, a gift from Othello, and a token to which he attaches enormous significance. Emila picks up the handkerchief and gives it to her husband. Iago decides to leave the handkerchief at Cassio’s lodgings. This is going to be Othello’s first sign of truth. Iago, of course, cannot offer any proof, but argues that strong circumstantial evidence ought to be enough to satisfy Othello. He mentions to pieces of manufactured testimony, Cassio’s dream and Cassio’s possession of Desdemona’s handkerchief. Iago was played by Northern Ireland born actor Kenneth Branagh who is a famous Shakespearian actor and director. Irene Jacobs plays the part of Desdemona, who is a lesser-known Belgian actress. Lawrence Fishbourne is the first Black actor to play Othello on film. There are a number of foreign actors in this film, which gives a European appeal and creates the feeling of Italy or somewhere foreign; there is also a wide mixture of foreign accents. Lawrence Fishbourne covers up his American accent very well. His vast array of colourful costumes, earrings, scars and shaven head all suggest his exotic character that has travelled the world. Iago on the other hand has only one costume throughout. This highlights his role as a servant, but even with all the wealth and riches of Othello and Desdemona, Iago is still able to wield his authority over them in to doing what he wants Act 3 scene 3 is 478 lines long, which is long for Shakespeare. In the text the whole thing takes place in the citadel, while Parker uses all the techniques at his disposal to attract and maintain the viewers attention. Parker uses music, a variety of different lighting and camera angels to set the mood. Parker also uses flash back and dream sequences very effectively and has a vast variety of different locations throughout the scene. The first scene has a sense of elegance and gracefulness with the 2 men going down the stairs to the courtyard and up the stairs to Desdemona. Although in this scene Iago throws his first blow, everything is good-natured; there is a feeling of friendliness and harmony. The next scene is the pole fighting between Iago and Othello. Iago is the one who is put to the ground but everything is good-natured. It shows Othello has power. After the pole fighting the scene changes again to the two men working down a narrow stairway washing their hands. Even at this point Othello’s costume has changed. This highlights his power. The scene then changes to the dark, brown, dull armoury, which is full of guns and gunpowder. The bareness of the place, the guns, the cold bare metal and the ever-increasing absence of daylight adds to the ominous feeling of the scene. The camera changes and focuses a lot on the facial expression throughout this scene. A line is added from Act one into this scene, â€Å"†¦ I will pour my pestilence in his ear†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Iagos plan is to pour poison into Othello’s ear. His is the first time that you can clearly see the doubt in Othello’s face. The music then changes to a very high pitched note, suggests something very ominous is about to happen, adds tension. But lightens again when Othello shows he is not going to give into Iagos insinuations, then deepens again to show Othello’s mood. The next scene is up in the bedroom and is even darker, with only a very dim candle to light the room. Iago is dressing Othello for the banquet while Othello is daydreaming, he has suspicious thoughts. While Iago remains the servant, he still exercises power over Othello’s thoughts and feelings. As the scene gets even dimmer Othello begins to succumb to Iagos suggestions. The next scene is the handkerchief scene, which is done in silence. Desdemona and Emila come in and find Othello sitting at the end of the bed sweating. Desdemona wipes his head with the handkerchief and accidentally drops it. When the two leave Emila lifts it. Parker use silence as a powerful symbol in the handkerchief scenes. The handkerchief that seems such an insignificant article proves to be very dangerous in the end. The scene then changes to a bedroom scene with Iago and Emilia, which in contrast to other love scenes in the play, is very crude and vulgar. The room is very dark and small and has little furniture compared to Othello’s bedroom. This emphasizes their role as servants. As Emilia enters Iago turns his head away from her, but when she says she has the handkerchief that Othello gave Desdemona he is all over her, suggesting complete indifference and that he only wants her when she has something for her. At the end of the scene Iago says, â€Å"trifles light as air†and throws the handkerchief up into the air. The next time we see the handkerchief is in Cassio’s lodging where he leaves it in Bianca’s hand before he leaves. Iago had planted it there and Cassio had given it onto Bianca as a gift. Parker then brings a scene in from act four where Othello quizzes Desdemona about the whereabouts of the handkerchief; this is to give more evidence. Othello is sure Desdemona is guilty and then when Desdemona ask Othello to give Cassio his job back this only enrages him further. The scene then changes down to the beach. Parker makes the audience very aware that they are on an island and isolated. The ruggedness of the rocks and the waves and the pounding, shows that they are far from Venice. Iago mocks his master, â€Å"†¦nor poppy nor mandragora†¦Ã¢â‚¬ nothing will bring him back his piece of mind. The climax in his scene is the very dramatic attempted drowning of Iago, also the story where Iago complains of his sore tooth has a very damning affect on Othello. This scene does not appear in the original play by Shakespeare but is very effectively done by Parker to highlight the fact that Othello has totally fallen for Iago’s lies. The next scene is up on the ramparts of the citadel; the feeling of stormy weather emphasizes the mix feelings in Othello’s mind about Desdemona’s distrust. Othello then gets down on both knees and makes a vow to the heavens, very dramatic, tension building. He then says, â€Å"Arise black vengeance, from the hollow hell.†Iago then gets down on his knees and they both swear brotherhood to each other in order to kill two people. Parker adds the slitting of the palms and the clasping of the hands, this increases the horror of what they are going to do. Iago then says, â€Å"I am your own forever.†There is a feel of dramatic Irony, where the audience is aware what is about to happen to Othello but the character does not. The main techniques used by Parker are flash back and dream sequences, which allow us to see inside the mind of Othello, whereas Shakespeare used soliloquy. The flash back and dream scenes are done in silence and don’t last very long. They are done in slow motion and are accompanied by music. They are frequently of Desdemona and Cassio in bed or talking to each other. The lovemaking is done very discreetly and delicacy and are done behind a muslin curtain. They are hinted at rather than stated explicitly. There is a hint of red on the bed, which makes Othello think she is a whore. Music is used effectively by Parker to create an ominous atmosphere and highlights a climax or turning point in the scene. The first time music was introduced was when Othello said, â€Å"It were not for your quiet nor high pitched string note.†The music then deepens to a bass note where Iago says, â€Å"Beware my lord of jealousy†and continues on this deep tone until Othello asks, â€Å"Thinkst thou make a life of jealousy.†The music then becomes more melodious and sweet, suggestion of will not fall prey to Iagos insinuations. At the line, â€Å"Get me some poison†the music deepens again. Parker leaves out about half of the 478 lines and yet he doesn’t compromise the meaning of the play. Very many of Desdemona’s lines are omitted, more than anyone else, and yet with the use of flash back and dream sequences we are very aware of her presence throughout the play. Some of the scenes are rearranged, scene 4 into 3, make Othello’s death sentencing more convincing. Parker does not compromise power and integrity of the play, he delivers a different perspective, which is more creative. There are difficulties with the language but with continued reading I found it a gripping story, and I found Parkers version accessible to modern filmgoers. Shakespeare’s play was limited, the language was used to keep the audiences attention but today film makers have different lighting, music, props and many other things, so this allowed parker to leave much of the language out.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Avoid Freshman 15 in a Healthy Way
How to Avoid Freshman 15 in a Healthy Way It’s known as the freshmen 15, 20, 25, or even 35. Young folks walk into college and gain weight because of the dramatic changes to their internal schedules, as well as diet and exercise regimen. In this article we’ll look at 10 ways to stay trim as a college newbie. They’ll help you minimize the excess weight gain that many experience. Staying in great shape throughout your freshmen year doesn’t have to be a hassle! 1. You’re Probably Paying for the Gym – Use It! For most colleges, a part of your tuition money goes to paying for things like fitness centers and the on-campus gym. As a student you should be able to go workout whenever you want, and you should. Instead of vegging in your dorm room you can go get in shape, stay fit and mingle with others who have the same mindset. 2. Stay Away from Handouts From welcome baskets and bags to free candy, soda and tons of movie nights with endless amount of butter dripping microwave popcorn. Stay away from the cheap and easy food that gets handed out to freshmen. They’re just trying to welcome new students, make them feel at home and show them quality attention. This stuff adds up, especially drinks that are something other than water. 3. Structure Be Mindful The main reason freshmen gain weight is because they have no idea how to structure their eating regimen. They tend to max out their on-campus dining cards way too soon. They tend to buy way too much â€Å"dorm room goodies.†The cafeteria food is always right there, or they eat way too much than they normally would because they face a buffet four time a day. Take some time to plan out your eating schedule to avoid weight loss and you’re sure to do far better than everyone who isn’t. 4. Healthy Snack Grazing Invest in tons of healthier snacks from the student store or your college’s version of eat street. These days it shouldn’t be hard to get some healthy options that are both nutritious and lower in the fattening department. Focus on 3 square meals a day with three low calories snacks mixed in so that you’re never starving and tempted to gorge. This student grocery list will help you organize a healthy diet plan. 5. Avoid Pizza Late Snack Food For two hours on most nights there’s always somewhere on-campus to go get some. Avoid pizza and high energy foods later at night. If you’re trying to give yourself energy for studying, then choose some fresh fruit! Remember, what you don’t burn you gain and for some reason freshmen tend to do more snacking. The juniors and seniors have learned to steer clear. 6. Eat Your Breakfast! Do NOT skip breakfast. You’re body needs to break the fast from the night before and the sooner you can get your metabolism moving the more calories you’ll burn throughout the day. Furthermore, eating a balanced breakfast means you’ll be more alert and aware during the earlier and later afternoon classes. 7. Get Involved in Sports If you avoided sports in high school, then now’s the time. It doesn’t have to mean playing for any official school teams either. There are lots of sports activities coordinated through clubs, student groups and organizations throughout the year. Don’t forget about them! They’re a great way to stay fit and make lots of friends you wouldn’t otherwise met. 8. Alcohol Adds Up! Let’s be honest, a good amount of freshmen once set free from home, tend to drink too much. Or they drink just a little bit far too often and it all adds up quickly. One night of drinking can calorically undue all the hard work throughout the week. Remember, 3500 calories are equal to roughly one pound of body fat. That’s roughly 23 beers. How many beers to freshmen guzzle throughout their first year? How many pounds is that for you? Stay away from as much alcohol as possible freshmen year. Instead focus on making real friends, getting fabulous grades and making the most of your time. 9. Make Sure to Sleep Sleeping patterns are absolutely critical to just about everything when it comes to human physiology. From your memory and ability to study, to your ability to build muscle and stay lean. Shoot for at least a minimum of 6 quality hours a night, but 8 would be ideal. That can be hard, but just do the best you can. 10. Take Exercises Classes Every Quarter Every single quarter there are tons of different exercise-based classes. This could be actually workout classes, sports classes, nutrition etc. They’re great for extra and easy credits! If you can, fit one in each quarter during your freshmen year. It’s going to lay a solid foundation for the rest of your undergraduate adventure. There are many other ways to stay fit. Do you know any of them?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Language Learning and Elementary School Curriculum Annotated Bibliography
Language Learning and Elementary School Curriculum - Annotated Bibliography Example It is appropriate, hence, that the chapter included several empirical pieces of evidence that supported the theories. For example, they explained why assessment is necessary or why particular components of such assessment are critical. This allowed a better understanding of the imperative for a "connection" between language learning and language learning the elementary curriculum. Following an inductive approach to content, it began with the general theories of communication and then proceeded on specifying models and strategies. This is great for instructors who are interested using the multidimensional "interactive approach" in developing listening, reading and viewing in learners. The chapter is particularly useful in developing unique instruction strategies that are tailored for a diverse set of learners. There are several sub-strategies and components that are further contextualized according to reading, listening and viewing, for instance, that could be combined in order to come up with the effective program or instruction plan. A critical dimension of this chapter is how it covered and addressed challenges such as anxiety and other factors that impact learners interaction with texts. Â Tackling the issues concerning teaching grammar, this chapter offers an interesting approach to achieving better learning outcomes. The key concept was the "dialogic approach" wherein the subject is taught using cultural stories. This is quite interesting for those who are exposed to the traditional teaching model for grammar with the focus teaching grammatical rules as opposed to a focus on form.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Gender discrimination and women's promotion in workplaces Research Paper
Gender discrimination and women's promotion in workplaces - Research Paper Example hrough participation in the civil rights movement and as advocates for the community based groups that grew up around that movement and President Johnson War on Poverty. The ideas were an attempt to make sense out of the labor market problems as the people in these communities experienced them (or at least described their experiences) and to describe the labor market as these people saw it. 1. As Blau and Jusenius have pointed out, because structured internal labor markets treat workers as members of groups and tend to treat workers within these groups consistently, differentiation between women and men is likely to take the form of segregating women and men into different jobs, rather than paying them unequally for the same job. 17. In general, in structured internal labor markets, all individuals in the same job are likely to be equally paid, except for performance or seniority differentials. This leaves open the reasons women and men are likely to be differentiated, but it does suggest that entry-level jobs are likely to be different for men and women and arranged in different job families so that segregation will be maintained throughout ones career in the firm. This is precisely what Kelley found. Beyond that, womens job ladders may be shorter, and other ways of maintaining differentiation in the firm may exist. For example, Osterman suggests that in a pu blishing firm he studied differential opportunity was maintained by keeping women in the lowest grade levels of various occupation groups.18. Institutionally, that type of differentiation could be aided by placing women in job titles that differ from related jobs that men hold or possibly by locating them in different departments. Such observations suggest that the effects of internal labor markets differ for men and women, despite their emphasis on consistent rules. The rules of the game are neutral on their face but disparate in their impact. The rules may also differ in different parts of the
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