Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Statistics and Psychology Free Essays
There are various utilizations of measurable thinking and research strategies in the field of brain science. From straightforward parts of perusing and deciphering brain science articles, to finishing individual research, insights is a fundamental idea to comprehend. The logical technique is fundamental to research, and a large number of the ideas cross the lines into insights. We will compose a custom paper test on Measurements and Psychology or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It is likewise basic for us to investigate the qualities of essential and auxiliary information. Eventually, the focal point of these subjects focuses on the utilization of factual thinking in psychology.Statistics in Psychology One may ask themselves how numerical ideas might apply to brain research. The appropriate response is more straightforward than many envision, every one of the one needs to do is center around the understanding. Perusing brain research investigate articles is a typical event for anybody in the field. Without the capacity to comprehend the language, tables, charts, and different viewpoints at the core of measurements, one can't really process the discoveries of research (Aron, Aron, Coups, 2009). Research is an iatrical part to almost every field of brain science, yet particularly the individuals who look to respond to questions and addition knowledge to problems.Most fields of brain research â€including advising and clinical centers expect answers to questions (Aron, Aron, Coups, 2009). Responding to questions requires some type of research, which utilizes measurements in some capacity. To address huge numbers of these inquiries, investigate is finished with some use of the logical technique. Research and the Scientific Method When scanning for the response to an issue, most go about it in an organized way. The examination done in the logical strategy is straightforward use of methodical and intelligent strides to critical thinking (Cowens, 2006).Using the five-advance procedure permits analysts to look at any request. The Five-Step Approach The initial step is to decide an issue to fathom, or mention an objective fact (Cowens, 2006). This can be a straightforward inquiry or an increasingly mind boggling want to see how or why something functions. For example, a therapist tries to comprehend why certain item triggers rage in a patient. Stage two is to decide a speculation (Cowens, 2006). A theory is normally a hypothesis or thought regarding how or why something occurs. This progression looks to foresee the result or thinking of the problem.The clinician may frame the theory that the item triggers rage in light of the fact that the patient connects the article with past injury. Presently the time has come to test the speculation. Experimentation and research enters the image for this progression (Cowens, 2006). To test the theory, the clinician may utilize meetings or inquiries as research. They may likewise attempt different articles, or use entrancing to review the injury. Recording the perceptions is a basic advance in the logical technique (Cowens, 2006). All perceptions are significant, and recurrence tables, diagrams, and outlines investigate the factual utilization of the logical method.In expansion to these, clinicians may utilize notes to investigate the thinking. The last advance is making an inference (Cowens, 2006). The reason for this progression is the translation of the discoveries. The outcomes may either bolster the theory, or bring up new issues to investigate. The therapist may locate no past injury, and confirm that every purple item trigger both wrath and dread. They at that point will look for another speculation to start another quest for answers. Essential and Secondary Data In any part of research, it is basic to consider the legitimacy of results.Primary information is depicted as information watched or gathered legitimately from direct understanding (Triola, 2010). Optional information is distributed information, or information gathered by others (Triola, 2010). Essential information is favored in explore in light of the fact that the information is gotten direct, where auxiliary depends on the perceptions of others. For example, progressively exact outcomes in a weight study will originate from the immediate weighing of the patients than asking them their weight. Insights in Research Psychologists use univariate standards when they measure just a single variable and multivariate strategy when utilizing factors to find out connections (Chow, 2002).Psychologists frequently use insights to distinguish regions of research intrigue. In testing a speculation, numerous analysts need to transform inquiries into testable numerical information. One of the most well-known insights applications is the trying of the invalid theory. The invalid theory includes the first case â€like 50 out of 100 patients see accomplishment in relapse methods to conquer fears and transforming it into a numerical case ( µ = 50). The elective theory speaks to the distinction of a case, or the likelihood that it is false in light of the fact that the test measurement is outside the given range ( µ ? 50). These cases are tried, and in the event that it is discovered that under 50 patients saw accomplishment with relapse methods, at that point specialists can utilize measurable thinking to refute the announcement. By and large, factual thinking is critical in the translation of research results acquired through the logical strategy. Individual Application The ideas talked about all through this paper have concentrated on numerous answers this creator would like to discover in her expert life, and has sought after in her own life. The creator refered to the case of anger and dread brought about by purple, since her nine-year-old sister endures issues with this concept.After numerous preliminaries, tests, and visits to treatment, we had the option to verify that she connected the shading with Barney the dinosaur, and she cross-related Barney with a dread of dinosaurs returning to life in an old film. Albeit a basic report, it had extraordinary effect on this author’s life, and her future quest for brain science. End Statistical thinking in brain research may appear to be a logical inconsistency to many. In any case, any quest for answers requires explore â€which utilizes the logical strategy and measurements. We have decided essential information to be more gainful and solid than auxiliary data.We have likewise applied the idea of speculations to measurements and fundamental research. Taking everything into account, even basic comprehension in brain research is frequently identified with measurable thinking. ?References Aron, A. , Aron, E. N. , Coups, E. J. (2009). Measurements for brain science (fifth ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall Chow, S. L. (2002). Measurements and its job in mental research. Techniques in Psychological Research. Recovered October 3, 2010 from ProQuest database. Cowens, J. (2006, August/September). The logical strategy. Educating PreK-8. (37)1. 42. Triola, M. F. (2010). Rudimentary Statistics. (eleventh Ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson. Step by step instructions to refer to Statistics and Psychology, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Explore the idea of historical embeddedness in The Brief Wondrous Life Research Paper
Investigate the possibility of authentic embeddedness in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Research Paper Example The storyteller hence thinks about whether composing this novel is his own specific manner of saying zafa. Each body is by all accounts reviled! The principal part, which occurs in 1974 to1987 in Paterson, subtleties Oscar’s youth and early pre-adulthood. For multi week when he is seven, Oscar dates two young ladies, Olga and Maritza, at a similar period. In any case, the trio immediately self-destructs and the life of Oscar goes downhill from that point onwards. In pre-adulthood, he was fat, dorky, and ugly. His enthusiasm for Genre makes him significantly increasingly ugly, and his lone genuine companions are Miggs and Al. Oscar’s sister Lola attempt to urge him to get thinner to be increasingly manly for him to land a sweetheart, however Oscar doesn't respect their recommendation. When Miggs and Al discover lady friends and intentionally dessert him out, Oscar understands that they even think about that he is a disappointment. Oscar goes to Santo Domingo to visit Nen a Inca, and starts composing sci-fi as a channel. At the point when Oscar returns he finds a young lady called Ana Obregon at SAT prep class, immediately becoming hopelessly enamored with her. Oscar and Ana become old buddies, however never truly personally joined. In the long run Ana’s beau named Manny comes back from a military crucial Ana quits having time with Oscar. A short time later, Oscar goes to Rutgers for school. He trusts life in school might be unique, yet in there, he understands that still he is a failure. Oscar, the character who gathers the novel together, fairly sees himself as a doubly minimized figure. A Dominican-American kid experiencing childhood in Paterson during the 80s, he is hampered by counter-cliché geekiness notwithstanding issues of prejudice and social class. Shy, bright, and overweight, Oscar is knowledgeable in Marvel funnies and Japanimation legend. His desire is to compose a space anecdotal. A Dominican inflection controls Wilde into Wao wile in school. Yunior (Solis 49), his school flat mate and closest companion, doesn't exactly catch Oscar, anyway cherishes him and sees that there something is inside Oscar that should be known. As the key storyteller of the story, Yunior gives a caring depiction of a tormented individual inside a tormented family. Recovery of Oscar â€Å"brief wondrous life†shows at a pivotal, however defended, cost. Told from the perspective of Oscar’s sister Lola with his closest companion Yunior, the account of the quest for renewal drives the peruser through the absolute darkest intersections of a nation under serious domineering control. Lola seeks after her own recovery, far away from her family, especially her mom and her legacy. She just loves her more youthful sibling Oscar and looks for shielding him from the revile which is lamentably influencing their family. Saying that Hapatia Belicia was destined to hard time would be putting it mildly. Beli’s mother passed on when she was just two months old, never met her dad, held by her sisters a couple of times before they vanished as well, and invested no energy in Casa Hatuey. Beli had numerous things cruising against her from the earliest starting point of her lamentable life. She was brought into the world wiped out and underweight, at once and condition where it would be hard for any infant to make due with her went with circumstance. She was additionally darker looking, an explanation that made her father’s family to completely hate anything to do with her. At this point, her life is spared interestingly by a solitary woman’
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Illinois Homecoming
Illinois Homecoming Hey guys, So this past weekend, Illinois had our Homecoming, and I have to say it was probably one of the best ones, if not the best Ive had since I first came to this university. The Homecoming parade was great as usual, the football game didnt go TOO horribly, especially at first, and I got to see a lot of my friends who had graduated in recent years. However, what made this such an amazing experience for me, was that I was part of an organization, and not just a member, but an active member. In order to really take advantage of what Homecoming has to offer, I really believe that students need to get involved, become a part of something bigger than themselves, and contribute to a legacy that they too can come back to one day as alumni to this great university. It is in this way, that one really becomes a part of the culture of Illinois. Being part of the culture of Illinois means a lot of things to me. It means seeing old friends who have graduated, it means connecting with alums spanning across multiple generations, it means cheering on our football team regardless of the scoreboard, but mostly it means immersing oneself into all that Illinois has to offer and the opportunities it provides. For instance, this weekend I hosted an alumna, who had just received an award from the College of LAS for her achievements as a young alumni. Through my interaction with her, as well as my involvement with my campus organization I was able to really connect on a social level with alumni from multiple generations, backgrounds, and disciplines. It was through this social connection, that I was able to network with some very influential alumni, people who are more than happy to help further the legacy of not only their own college but the University of Illinois as a whole. Having these connections, whether for business or pleasure, allows for there to be an interconnection that spurs on the atmosphere of Homecoming. Alums are happy to come back, because they feel as though they are still one with Illinois, even though it may have been quite some time since they last stepped foot on campus. These alumni, who are our history, are able to impart to current students, who are our future, stories of the past, lessons for the future, and generally information that can benefit a young student trying to blaze their own path. College of LAS Homecoming with LAS Leaders President Brittany Cline and LAS Leaders Moderator Sheila Lammers It is this combination of social interaction and connecting with alums and your peers that really mark the greatness of an event such as Homecoming. It is a time where Illini from all over the country and from all over the spectrum of the professional world can come back to a single place where we all have something in common, our love for Illinois. Kenny Class of 2016 I’m in the Creative Writing program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m originally from Tampa, Florida, but I’ve been calling Illinois my home since 1998. I’ve lived all over the Northwest suburbs, from Palatine to Lakemoor to where I currently live back home, Mundelein.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Managing Equality Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Between 1997 to 2007, the gender pay gap in UK fell from 17.4% down to 12.6% respectively. 12 Discussion on Issues behind the Existing Public Policies on Equality in UK Being male and female has a lot of differences and distinct characteristics which makes it not easy to develop a single policy that could fully satisfy the differences in the gender role. 13 Racial issues in terms of the differences among the different traditions, culture and beliefs in each nationality could also raise a similar problem on equality. Despite the government’s effort in promoting equal treatment between men and women, the differences and inequalities will still remain. 14 Particularly the issue on gender-based equality and diversity in the work place is often being debated because of the difference between the specific needs and treatment on men and women. 15 In fact, there are some feminist groups that criticize the fact that the liberal idea of equality does not consider the major challenges that contributes to the gender inequalities. 16 The promotion of diversity in the workplace may solve some of the problems related to gender equality. The main concept of diversity was developed to enable the business owners to maximize the potential of each employee within the business organization. 17 According to Phillips (1992), implementing diversity in the workplace could solve the problem on work equality considering the plurality of many differences. 18 However, the human resources management strategy19 considers the implementation of diversity as a social problem in the sense that the definition of diversity in business management is not aligned with anti-discrimination policies in UK20. Aside from the differences between the role of men and women within the work environment, each woman or each man is still different from one another in terms of race or class. 21 For instance, white women are most likely to experience a different level of work discrimination as compare to black women. 22 Specifically the different inequalities related to gender, race and disability is not similar because each issue is differently considered based on its relevance as policy problems. 23 The gender equality policy in UK started with the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 followed by the introduction of the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and the Public Sector Duties 1999.We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Equality or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In order to enhance the policy on gender, race and disability equality, the UK government finally introduced a single policy on equality known as the Equality Act 2006.24 Conclusion Over the years, UK government has implemented several policies concerning the different factors that could increase inequality within the work environment.
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Black Death As A Turning Point Essay - 1924 Words
The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic that spread throughout Medieval England during the years 1348-1350. The Black Death is believed to have killed between 30-45% of people in England alone. There were numerous ideas if what the cause of the disease was but in reality, was a bacteria-born disease from the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which was carried on the fleas off infected black rats and spread to Europe by Genoese trading ships from Asia. Some historians believed the Black Death marked the beginning of a deep recession within Britain as well as the beginning of the Renaissance, a period of striking artistic expression, whereas other historians seem to take the view point that the Black Death simply amplified an already declining†¦show more content†¦Regardless, the decline in population may have simply marked a continuation of what was already happening in Britain as according to Waley demographic growth had come to an end before the Black Death had arrived in Eu rope and that it merely accentuated an existing trend, due to the severe living conditions at the time as a result of poor sanitation and the Great Famine of 1315-17. Inflation and a shortage of labour supply immediately implemented farmers as would likely have not been able to afford to pay for their land due to a loss of rental income from tenants, causing them to lose their land. Many farmers, according to Rubin sought to move away from labour-intensive cultivation to more diverse activities such as mining, pasturing and fisheries, as required less care than crops, indicating a turning point in the ways that farmers sought to earn their money. This is supported by Dyer , who analysed the consumption of foodstuffs of harvest workers in Norfolk, to find an intensification in meat consumption to 15% in 1353 from 9% in 1341 and a decrease in bread consumption from 34% in 1341, to 31% in 1353. This indicates a clear shift, which may have resulted from the impacts of the Black Death, inferring that there may have been a turning point at the time as there was aShow MoreRelatedSizwe Bansi Demonstrates the Imperative for the Black Person in South Afric a to Be an â€Å"Actor†to Present an Enforcedly â€Å"Acceptable†Mask to His or Her White Masters (Crow). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
TLC the group Free Essays
Duggan Shimon GDP dog tech length Kath Seven months later, T-Boz and Chilli released the group’s fourth album 3D, hich sold 2 million copies worldwide, scored the Top 40 hit â€Å"Girl Talk†, and earned two Grammy Awards nominations. It featured previously unreleased vocals from Left Eye. Billboard magazine ranked TLC as one of the greatest musical trios. We will write a custom essay sample on TLC the group or any similar topic only for you Order Now [5] Between 1992 and 2002, the band had ten top ten singles, four number one singles, four multi-platinum albums, and won fiveGrammy Awards. At the end of 1999, TLC was ranked as the seventh most successful act of the 1990s by Billboard. In 2008, the roup was inducted into the All Time Hot 100 Artist Hall of Fame by the same magazine, at 56th place. That year it was also listed as the #25 R;B/hip-hop artist of the preceding 25 years. [6] According to the RIAA, TLC has sold more than 23 million albums and 6. 5 million singles in the United States alone. How to cite TLC the group, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
What is Racism Essays - Social Constructionism, Kinship And Descent
What is racism? What is racism to me? Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person?s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another. In Power and Difference, Allan G. Johnson talks about the belief that privilege and oppression are not inevitable features of human life and that the choices each of us make matter more than we can ever know. We can look back at our own history and see what our choices has cost us. Is safe to say racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person or group by another with the belief that that particular person or group is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes. One important feature of racism, especially toward Blacks and immigrant groups, is clear in attitudes regarding slaves and slavery. Jews are usually seen by anti-Semites as subhuman but also superhuman: devilishly cunning, skilled, and powerful. Blacks and others are seen by racists as merely subhuman, more like beasts than men. If the focus of anti-Semitism is evil, the focus of racism is inferiority directed toward those who have sometimes been considered to lack even the ability to be evil. All of these arguments are based on a false understanding of race, contemporary scientists are not agreed on whether race is a valid way to classify people. What may seem to be significant "racial" differences to some people - skin color, hair, facial shape are not of much scientific significance. In fact, genetic differences within a so-called race may be greater than those between races. One philosopher writes: "There are few genetic characteristics to be found in the population of England that are not found in similar proportions in Zaire or in China...those differences that most deeply affect us in our dealings with each other are not to any significant degree biologically determined."
Thursday, March 19, 2020
People With Disabilities In New Zealand Social Work Essay Essay Example
People With Disabilities In New Zealand Social Work Essay Essay Example People With Disabilities In New Zealand Social Work Essay Essay People With Disabilities In New Zealand Social Work Essay Essay -Containing the figure of people with disablements in New Zealand and fiscal support to a lower limit were in the Government policy. -According to TheA Lunatics Ordinance 1846, from 1854, people with unsafe insane or unsound head was supposed to be felons and sent to prison for the intent of guaranting safety and attention for them. -The Law did non promote people with disablements from shacking in New Zealand.According toTheA Imbecile Passengers Act 1882, the ship that discharged lunatic, crackbrained, deaf, dumb, blind or infirm peoplewho could go the fee for charitable organisations or any individual, the responsible people for it were required to pay a bond. -According to TheA Immigration Restriction Act 1899, Prohibited immigrants list includes A imbecile or insane people as people with infective diseases. Good familial preservation policy by taking hapless wellness features or spirit became really popular in the nineteenth century. Harmonizing to the thought of natural choice for these people, those with less desirable features were prevented from holding children.they were removed from society by seting in purpose reinforced establishments. Towards the terminal of the nineteenth century, people with rational disablement were admitted to establishments old reserved for people with mental unwellness. Men and adult females were unbroken separate purely so that they could non hold kids. The first school for deaf kids in New Zealand opened in 1880. 1900s -There was a inclination to cut down household size by societal trust on racialist addition it becomes reflected in the authorities s societal policies on handicapped people. -Mechanisms for kids with disablements were taken into history. Particularly kids with mental disablements. People of unsound head, individuals mentally infirm, imbeciles, idiots, the lame minded and epileptics were differentiated by The Mental Defectives Act 1911. The Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders of 1924-1925 expressed that the action of forestalling multiplied debasement in New Zealand population is necessary due to concerns about kids with rational disablements. The end was to increase the elements of the religious and physical strength and morality of the state. Education and wellness services did non include kids with particular demands due to sorting and showing of kids. Advanced engineering along with the development of medical cognition made intervention instead than the community integrating of people with disablements. -In 1924, a legistration was introduced for the benefits of those who were non able to work for good and those with impermanent unwellness. In which, pension benefits were given to blind people. In 1929, Templeton Farm in Christchurch was opened for high-grade idiots and low-grade feeble-minded instances without psychotic complications , under the disposal of the mental wellness system. The demand for better services to retrieve physically and mentally for handicapped people was emphasized after the return of soldiers from the universe wars. Harmonizing to the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, working conditions as required in general workplaces were exempted from implementing in the workplace of people with disablements. During the 1950s and 1960s, disabled people s kids were concerned in happening the appropriate instruction establishments. From the 1970s, the authorities s attack to services for handicapped people became more community and rights based. Harmonizing to A theA Accident Compensation Act 1972, support was provided for those who were impaired from the injury of accidents. Harmonizing to The Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975, it gave people with disablements who who were non ACC claimants the entree to back up services. At the same clip it helped them remain in the community. -According to The Industrial Relations Act 1973, workers with disablements had the chance to take part in the labour market and received the appropriate pay for their productiveness. Fostering the International Year of the Disabled in 1981, a series of positive actions had been taking topographic point, the jobs of people with disablements that neer happened or were due attending in the past, such as the formation of organisations for people with disablements to talk and work for themselves. The move off from institutionalized adjustment for handicapped people continued during the 1980s ( besides known as deinstitutionalisation ) . At the same clip authorities support for community-based services increased. This was reinforced by an amendment to the Education Act enabling the mainstreaming of handicapped kids into a normal school environment. 1990s, support services for handicapped people moved from public assistance bureaus to the regional wellness authorization provided by the province to cut down societal barriers for people with disablements. Supports 1890s the charitable administrations and the households were the chief beginning of support for people with disablements non the taxpayers in society. 1860s, organisations where supported for orphans, individual female parents and the destitute elderly, besides included handicapped people in support. 1900sA the CCS in 1935 and IHC in 1949 1970s, authorities financess were progressively channelled into constructing little residential installations to function disable people. During 1950s and 1960s, there were twenty-four hours attention centre, occupational groups and residential lodging support service for people with disablements. A the precursor of the Royal NZ Foundation of the Blind in 1890. 1981. There was a pan-disability organisation for handicapped people. the Association of the Friends of the Blind in 1889 1990s, there were Regional Health Authorities for handicapped people. ( office for disablement issues ( n.d. ) .A Disability in New Zealand: A altering perspective.A Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.odi.govt.nz/resources/guides-and-toolkits/disability-perspective ) 2.2 Define nomenclature Language reflects the societal context in which it is developed and used. It hence reflects the values and attitudes of that context, and plays an of import function in reenforcing values and attitudes that lead to favoritism and segregation of peculiar groups in society. Language can hence be used as a powerful tool to ease alteration and convey approximately new values, attitudes and societal integrating ( Goverment, W. C. ( n.d. ) .A Disability Definitions, Models and Terminology.A Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.westerncape.gov.za ) There was a negative nomenclature towards people with disablement in New Zealand: people labeled people with disablement as insane , patient , handicap , special lunatic , idiotic defective and so on. Indentify attitudes Peoples with disablement were thought to be different, weaker and less value in the community. They were besides supposed to be objects of commiseration and charitable organisations. In add-on, people thought that there was no such desire every bit good as the emotional demands as other people and the state of affairs of people with disablements was a shame. Stereotypes Physiological: people are excessively focused on the physical disablement of a individual, regarded it as the differences and opposite to qualities and attributes that a individual may have.for illustration, a talker with no weaponries and legs are ever mentioned about his disablement before stating that he is a talker. Emotional and moral: moral and emotional qualities of people with disablement are evaluated differently.for illustration: if they are successful they will be called as a superhero or they do non hold the same scope of emotion with others. Comparative: the words sepecial might be used to mention to people with disablement and normal to people without damage. ( wellness and disablement commissioner ( n.d. ) .A Making communicating easy Useful tips to do it easy to pass on efficaciously with people with impairments.A Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hdc.org.nz ) Barriers: Access deficiency of just entree to chances, information, edifices, conveyance, services, for illustration: many public prints are excessively little to read ; screen-reading package is non provided on many web sites ; many handicapped people find it hard to mobile in countries where aisles or entrywaies are excessively narrow to suit a wheelchair or scooter and so on. Discrimination and/or attitudinal bias and ignorance: deficiency of a convenient agreement for people with disablement and know aparting against them are consequences of this. For illustration: there are policies and Torahs to forestall people with disablements shacking in an country or immigrating to a state ; policy non to engage people with disablements. In add-on, there is the deficiency of concern for the engagement of people with disablements such as traffic signal does non sound to signal for people with vision damage. Economic and societal position: a barbarous rhythm of lower economic, instruction and wellness position compared to the remainder of the population. The fact indicates that people with disablements have lower educational attainment and income rates compared with the general population. Therefore, people with disablements have less opportunity to better their economic position, as a low profile is non recognized by the society, it is progressively marginalized. In add-on, wellness jobs overall of people with disablements have a higher rate compared with the general population. In decision, the rhythm is expressed as handicapped people with low degree of economic and hapless wellness are non able to take part to the full in societal activities, it leads to societal isolation, deficiency of relationships with society relevant to societal attention demands, it easy leads to wellness jobs and troubles in working to better economic. 2.3 Service proviso 1980s Residential services: it was ordinary focused on traveling people into group place in the community but had progressively focused on back uping people with disablement in their ain places. 1990s Medical and allied wellness services: it was an unfastened market of wellness attention and medical services. It included four responsible regional wellness governments of buying services and supports. Housing: lodging was provided for low-income people including those with disablements. Needs Assessment Service Coordination Care Support for people with disablements Respite and Carer Supports Care supports in instruction for kids with disablements Pre-school for kids with disablements Elder attention supports for people with disablements Conveyance to Disability Services Day A ; Employment services Supports to independent life Access models: The bulk of disablement support services are accessed through aA Needs Assessment Service Coordination ( NASC ) A service. A NASC plays a important function in organizing the effectual use of disablement support services in their part. Disability Services contracts with organisations to supply this service. A NASC service will find a individual s eligibility for funded disablement support services and work with a individual and their family/whanau/aiga/carer to place their support demands, and what resources, supports and services are available, to run into these demands. A NASC will place which disablement support services are funded by Disability Services and apportion support for a individual to entree these services.A Duties for peculiar groups of handicapped people Duties for peculiar groups of handicapped people can be summarised as follows: aˆ? Ministry of Health financess supports for people with long-run physical, centripetal and/or rational disablements who are chiefly aged under 65 aˆ? District Health Boards ( DHBs ) fund support for people with psychiatric disablements, people aged 65 and over disabled by ageing, people with support demands expected to last less than six months, or those aged 50-64 old ages whose demands are mostly similar to older people aˆ? Accident Compensation Corporation ( ACC ) financess support for people disabled by accident. ( ACC is discussed farther below ) Duties for back uping peculiar facets of people s lives Duties for back uping peculiar facets of people s lives can be summarised as follows: aˆ? Ministry of Social Development focuses on back uping disability-related income, vocational and employment demand aˆ? Ministry of Education focal points on back uping disability-related instruction demand aˆ? Ministry of Health and DHBs tend to concentrate on support for day-to-day life Ministry of Health ( MoH ) , Disability Supports Services In New Zealand most of the daily concern of the wellness and disablement system, and around three quarters of support, is administered by DHBs. DHBs program, manage, provide and purchase services for their territory populations, including primary attention, public wellness services, and disablement support services for older people, those with psychiatric-related disablement and impermanent needs non expected to last longer than six months. The Ministry of Health has a scope of functions, including proviso of centralized support for a figure of national services which includes some disablement support and public wellness services. ( options, s. ( n.d. ) .A DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES.A Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //supportoptions.co.nz )
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Writing About History Is Writing Toward Truth
Writing About History Is Writing Toward Truth Writing About History Is Writing Toward Truth Writing About History Is Writing Toward Truth By Mark Nichol The latest chapter in the depressing saga of Sarah Palin’s losing battle with chronic foot-in-mouth disease illustrates a point writers and editors should take careful notes about, because it’s going to be on the test. It has to do with history and repeating, but not with history repeating itself. It has to do with repeating accounts of historical events. Palin was in the news again last week because she recently made some confused statements about Paul Revere’s legendary ride, implying that one purpose of the mission was to warn the British military occupation that colonial militiamen were prepared to oppose their advance through Massachusetts to arrest rebel ringleaders and confiscate munitions. So, where’s the writing tip amid the historical histrionics? First, I readily concede that Palin is not an entirely reliable source of American history. But, in her defense, she actually got it partly right, and her detractors are also mistaken in some respects. Here’s the background: The legend of Paul Revere we all know from history class and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is just that a legend. His ride is historical, but the details, as they’ve been handed down to us, are a bit muddled: Paul Revere was not a lone hero galloping off in the moonlight to rouse unprepared farmers and villagers to repel a surprise British advance. He was just a minor part of a long-prepared, well-organized network of planners, couriers, and militiamen who had rehearsed for the eventuality of the military maneuver, which they knew was inevitable. It was Longfellow’s poem that elevated a fairly trivial historical figure into an icon of the American Revolution. The most egregious issue in the latest Palin controversy is that one of her supporters attempted to revise Wikipedia’s Paul Revere page to deflect criticism of her. The intent was to support her by introducing a comment suggesting that it would have been odd for Revere to cry out, â€Å"The British are coming!†when those who responded to his call identified themselves by that term of nationality. A Wikipedia monitor rejected the change, but the truth is that it’s a valid point: Revere’s warning likely referred to â€Å"the regulars,†not â€Å"the British,†to announce the impending arrival of regular British army units. The British colonists in America were just that: British subjects. Many of them were disgruntled British subjects, but on the eve of the battles of Lexington and Concord, in April 1775, most of them remained loyal to the British crown and wanted not independence, but redress of grievances. Furthermore, British army scouts captured Revere before he accomplished his entire mission. It is at this point that he reportedly informed his captors of the stout defense they could expect if the army unit marched inland; one purpose of this challenge was evidently to try to divert them from the vicinity of the farmhouse where rebel leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock were in hiding. If this is true, then Sarah Palin’s comments are essentially accurate. On this point this post hinges: History is a work constantly in revision. Unfortunately, it is a target also of revisionism, and it is difficult to wade through legend and lore and romanticized heritage to reach the truth. And truth is asymptotic; you will never arrive at it. Walk halfway to a destination. Walk halfway again. And again. Repeat into infinity. You’ll never technically arrive, but you’ll get closer and it is incumbent on writers, when discussing history (or current events), to step ever forward toward the destination of truth. Resist complacent reliance on schoolbook history. Reject the partisan playbook. Read multiple sources of history and information originating from all along the ideological spectrum. Judge what you read and what you write by the standards of objectivity. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 "Home" Idioms and ExpressionsSocial vs. Societal35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Contrast and compare 'karnak cafe' and 'The day the leader was killed' Literature review - 1
Contrast and compare 'karnak cafe' and 'The day the leader was killed' by Naghuib Mahfouz - Literature review Example This is the uniqueness of the writing style of the author. As the story develops, it becomes poignant without losing its ground and reality. Mahfouz has created a sensational and beautiful character in Qurunfula, the proprietress of Cafe. She is just like the oases in desert. The stern author becomes an entirely different man when he portrays her character. He turns a poet in adoring her qualities of head and heart. How she puts up with the vicissitudes of life is brilliantly elucidated by the author. How intelligently she detaches from her glorious past and maintains her essential dignity as a common individual, is a lesson for womenfolk in any part of the world. The protagonist, though entered the Cafe, by chance, he was surprised to see Qurunfula there in her new role. He describes his past relationship with her in a cryptic style. Mahfouz (2008, p.4) writes, â€Å"We had never had any kind of relationship, whether of affection, self-interest, or simply courtesy.†How and to what extent she is able to retain her past beauty of the body and nobility of soul! Here is another masterful description of the Karnak Cafà © with the presence of Qurunfula. Mahfouz (p.5) writes, â€Å"Here you get to sense past and present, in a warm embrace, the sweet past and glorious present. To top it all, there is that enticement that the unknown brings.†The author has intelligently analyzed the contemporary ground realities of the Egyptian government. Though the governments change, nothing much happens to improve the social and economic conditions of the common people. The author touches upon the issues, how psychological imprisonment works in a seemingly free society, how an atmosphere of fear persists and how people are subjugated. No positive improvement is seen to break the age-old societal traditions, the freedom of the individuals is not guaranteed. It is a peculiar type of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Catwalk Versus Visual Fashion Shows Dissertation
Catwalk Versus Visual Fashion Shows - Dissertation Example The paper "Catwalk Versus Visual Fashion Shows" discovers Young Designers Preference and fashion shows. The research is done by considering choices of young fashion designers from UK and Korea. In the introductory portion, the content, aims and objectives of this study and limitations faced while conducting the research work are clearly stated. Literature review comes next where all aspects related to visual fashion shows are dealt in details including current trends, influencing factors, recent shows, etc. Next is methodology, where the procedure, which was followed while doing this research work, is outlined. Research approaches, philosophies, data collection process, sampling etc, with every details are depicted in this section. Several people were interviewed. Continue with ‘findings’, summarizes the answers given by the respondents. Carry on with ‘discussion’, the answers of the respondents were interpreted, analyzed and compared. The views that came up through their answers were related with trends, practices and concepts referred to in ‘findings’. In the final section, a brief conclusion is provided to the whole study from point of view of the researcher. Along with a justification is also provided for young designer’s preference for visual fashion shows over live catwalk shows. Visual fashion shows are gradually taking over live fashion shows in recent times. Unlike the traditional fashion shows where the model catwalks down the ramp, visual fashion shows present digitalized images.... Unlike the traditional fashion shows where the model catwalks down the ramp, visual fashion shows present digitalized images of the same but, projected on a screen. Thus, on one hand the people fail to perceive the liveliness, but on the other hand designers could easily showcase their creations. For this reason, one could find an increasing popularity of visual fashion shows among designers, especially among the young the young fashion designers. Content In the present times, the fashion world is experiencing a new type of fashion show- the visual fashion show, which involves digitalized images of models decked up in fashion items. Contrary to conventional catwalk shows, visual fashion shows saves time, energy, organization, and are flexible in nature. At the same time, the visual fashion shows are also cost effective and interactive. This is the reason why many young designers in present are choosing visual fashion shows over the traditional ones (Menkes, 2010). Aims This study aim s at finding out whether the young fashion designers from UK and Korea prefer live catwalks on ramps or visual fashion shows. Objectives 1. To find out the choice and preferences of young designers from UK and Korea. 2. To explore what factors have affected their choice. 3. To examine relevance and effectiveness of visual fashion shows in contemporary fashion industry. 4. To analyze success of visual fashion shows in terms of marketing, promotion and popularity. Methodology For this paper, both primary and secondary sources will be used data collected by interviewing some people as well as those collected from books, journals, and reviews and articles from fashion magazines will be interpreted and analyzed. Findings It was found out that the new concept of
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Supply Chain Management in Tourism
Supply Chain Management in Tourism The integration of key business processes from end users through original suppliers that provides products, services and information that add value for customers and other stake holders. Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain as efficiently as possible. Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. (wikipedia.com) SCM in tourism will start from planning of a product, identifying the different sectors to be included in the complete tourism product and also, in each sector of the product, The management of the raw material , inventory of raw material and delivery of the services. Tourism: An industry Tourism denotes the temporary, short term movement of people to destination outside the place where they normally live and work and their activities during their stay at these destinations. Tourism is a multi segment industry. It is an industry where the products are consumed on the spot forming invisible exports. It is also a fragmented industry with high complexity due to the price sensitive nature of demand and the intangibility, perish ability and inseparability. Tourism, like all other supply chains, operates through business-to-business relationships, and supply chain management can be applied to deliver sustainability performance improvements alongside financial performance, by working to improve the business operations of each supplier in the supply chain. The main differences between tourism supply chains and those of other sectors are that tourists travel to the product, and the product that they buy has a particularly high service component in other words, it involves a higher proportion of people in the immediate production of the holiday experience. Supply Chain Management in tourism The aim of supply chain management is to eliminate waste in the chain and to improve the customer service. The elimination of waste for example waiting time, inventory and production of non-requested products leads to lower costs. The improved customer service by means of, interlinked processes, lead to preferred suppliers and to a bigger turnover. All this leads to higher productivity (more income/ less costs). In tourism it plays a very important role to deliver the quality service with minimum gaps or reduced gaps. Shortened product life cycles, increased competition, and heightened expectations of customers have forced many leading edge companies to move from physical logistic management towards more advanced supply chain management. Therefore, in many cases, the only possible way to further reduce costs and lead times is with effective supply chain management. In addition to cost reduction, the supply chain management approach also facilitates customer service improvements. It enables the management of inventories, transportation systems and whole distribution networks so that organizations are able meet or even exceed their customers expectations. Tourism supply chains involve many components not just accommodation, transport and excursions, but also bars and restaurants, handicrafts, food production, waste disposal, and the infrastructure that supports tourism in destinations. These all form a part of the holiday product that is expected by tourists when they purchase holidays, quality, depends on performance at all the links in the tourism supply chain. A further aspect of the tourism supply chain is the activities of customers while on holiday, particularly in relation to their behavior, and what they source for themselves in particular situations. The main strategies in any supply chain are sourcing strategy, distribution strategy, inventory strategy, manufacturing strategy, customer service strategy and the strategy of integration. Tourism comprises of different industries product and service like of Hotels, accommodation, transport, destination etc. SCM strategies can be modified to suit the nature of the product. Sourcing Strategy -Sourcing mainly constitutes Make or buy decision Manufacturing management Capacity Management Make or buy decision: Services can be delivered directly or can be outsourced/Co-Sourced as done by Thomas Cook a reputed name in providing tourism services. Thomas Cook implemented strategic sourcing arrangement with Accenture by outsourcing its Back-Office activities. Through this model they were able to improve operations and reduce its cost, by US $ 243.72 million in just 16 months. Manufacturing management: In tourism, manufacturing component is limited only to certain sectors like food and craft, memento, gifts etc. Services are processed at each stage in the tourism. For example, in transport sector at airport different services like visa and immigration processing, waiting time etc are processed to deliver the maximum satisfaction to the travellers. At the destination the service is processed by providing safe environment and security to the tourists. Capacity Management: The tourism products are subject to instability of demand. Example during Muscat festival in Oman, the demand exceeds the supply in many of the sectors of tourism like in hotels and airlines. Airlines meet this excessive demand by increasing the capacity by introducing additional special flights at special rates. Distribution strategy In tourism industry, the distribution strategy has far reaching impact on the development of the industry. This makes it essential that the channel decisions are sound so that the beginning and end process of marketing are managed efficiently and effectively. A basic understanding of the structure and working of the distribution system in travel industry, including the middlemen who form the part of the system, is found essential to understand the Economics of the tourism industry. The current practices insist on four types of sales distribution of tourism as a product. One stage system: This system provides direct sales from primary suppliers of the services to consumers through its own reservation departments. E.g. airlines directly selling tickets to travellers through its reservation office. Two- stage system: This system involves single middlemen i.e travel agent. Three-stage system: This system involves two middlemen, retail travel agent and wholesaler or a tour operator. Four-stage system: This system involves a retail travel agent, wholesaler and additional middlemen known as Speciality Chancellor, who is instrumental in the development of tour packages. Inventory Strategy: An inventory of tourism products identifies the opportunities and constraints that a local authority has in attracting visitors to their town/ city/region. The number and range of attractions and activities, things visitors can see and do, are particularly important. Gaps in the product range and/or poor quality facilities will make places less attractive to visitors. In the same way lack of transport and accommodation will deter visitors from travelling to and stopping at the destination. Until an inventory of attractions, activities, accommodation and transport has been completed and this is matched with an understanding of visitor demand and Visitor satisfaction, destinations will be unsure whether they are meeting visitor expectations. In terms of prioritising tourism requirements, the attraction and activity sectors are the key areas. For Example, Tourist visit Switzerland for fun and excitement and it is the service provider that provides this opportunity to the tourists. Local government is often also, a key provider of visitor (and residents) theses attractions and amenities. Customer Service Strategy: The aim of the tour operator should be that he consistently makes the customers happy 100% of the time .Inconsistent service leads to customers not knowing what to expect. Customer service includes providing accommodation, flight details, and attractive tourist points. Employees are vital in this attempt to achieve consistently high customer service. Organisations must have the right systems in place in order to achieve their goals. If staff cannot take the right action when dealing with customers, the business will suffer. It is about five times as expensive to win over a new customer as it is to work with an existing one. Integration Strategy: Supply Chain integration Strategy links all the business entities in the supply chain. In tourism the tour operators act as producers as well as distributors. In an efficient supply chain, manufactures, suppliers, distribution channels and customers are linked in the form of a chain to develop and deliver products as a single organization of pooled skills and resources. Higher the integration process, greater is the success of supply chain system. Tour operator or service provider has to integrate all the services together effectively to design the preferred output to gain the competitive advantage. For effective supply chain management of tourism services, it is essential that different segments of product (tourism) are managed in tune with changing habits and desires of users. SCM in few of the important aspects of the tourism like accommodation, transport, food and crafts and destination are discussed briefly in this paper. Accommodation Accommodation facilities are found to be important aspect of Tourism product. For managing hotel services, at the very outset, the locational factors are found important. It is essential those hotels are easily accessible to the tourists sites or beaches or shop. The staff of the hotel should be trustworthy, well trained, and well versed with technology. Hilton Properties California manages their procurement and inventory using software application called Birch Street. There is need for development of Hotels of different Grades and categories to accommodate the tourists of all segments. The restaurants and cafeterias are also found to be image creators. The accessibility and comfort of user is important factor in satisfying experience. The place should be free from all industrial Hazards. The guests staying in hotel should be able to avail the facilities like Quality Bedrooms, conference halls, bars, shopping arcade, swimming pool, transportation arrangement, first aid facilities etc. While developing the product, the quality of services comprising of efficiency, personal attention become significant. According to Carla Gold GM Radisson hotel, Cleveland A good supply chain management starts with Hotel operator knowing the upcoming business demand. Optimum inventory management is required to minimize the cost. The tourist organizations cant think in favour of an optimal product strategy, if classified and unclassified hotels of different grades or stars are not easily available to the tourists. Unplanned development of accommodation sector can hamper the quality holiday experience of the tourist. Transport All ingredients of tourism product fail in getting positive response, if the tourists do not experience comforts while travelling or while coming to the destination. It is not possible that all the tourist sites are directly linked to the airports. Hence other transportation facilities like railways and road transport facilities become significant. The tourist organization may also offer services but most of the guest prefers to avail private transportation services. This makes it essential that the transport facilities are well integrated. The tourist should be offered safe, fast, convenient and economic transport services. Since all the tourists cannot avail air services, the railways and roadways are required to develop planned way. The schedule and speed should be maintained. The number of visitors to a country also depends on the ease with which tourists are able to obtain Visas and sail through immigration procedures. At Muscat international airport immigration procedures are b eing modernised to cut the wait for travellers. To speed up the processing of registration and to take care of security of the travellers electronic gates are installed. Hong Kong International Airport has been named best airport in the world by Skytrax. Travellers look for speed and maximum time utilization in the airport, clean washrooms, seating availability, and prices charged at food and beverage outlets, and how helpful the airport staffs are. The transport operators should behave properly, so that the tourists are motivated. The seating arrangements should be comfortable. The drivers and the conductors and other window staff should behave properly. At any cost, there should not be any compromise with the safety principles. It is important to mention that the inadequate airline capacity is critical bottle neck in are travel to and fro India, particularly during peak season. Charters not only augment air capacity but also help in promoting new destinations. This necessitates adequate attention for upgrading transporting facilities, in important tourist centres. Rail transportation needs to develop special fascination for foreign tourists. It is appreciated palace on wheels scheme. The coast line and back water areas need an intensive care. The possibility of having ship cruises along with coast line and the potential offered by the back waters of Kerela and sunderbans (West Bengal) for river cruises are required to be fully tapped. Food and crafts In many cases tour operators use local food and crafts as one of the tourist attractions of their packages Food and crafts can generate considerable profits for the local population, when volume production and delivery at set quality standards can be met by local producers. Key issues for local sourcing of food supplies in the tourism sector are quality, reliability and quantity of supply. Promotion of local sourcing therefore requires training and technical support and investment for example in storage and distribution facilities to meet quality and reliability standards, as well as the development of production and distribution networks to gather supplies from different local producers into the quantities required by hotels. Few tour operators have supply chain initiatives on the production and distribution of local, sustainable food and crafts, but some work with their local suppliers to promote local sourcing of food and other local products. Small hotels are more likely to buy from local suppliers, while some large hotels have developed programmes to encourage local production at the standards they require. This generally requires constant supervision and commitment, and success is often linked to championing of local sourcing by hotel chefs. Local sourcing and production will usually improve the contribution of tourism to the local economy, both financially and in terms of employment, and may also help to preserve local skills in craft production. For example Surajkund Crafts Mela, is the prominent tourist destination of Haryana, India. The Mela attracts lakhs of visitors, both for the amazing range of interesting crafts it showcases as well as the relaxing rural ambience of the Mela grounds. Besides shopping to your hearts content, you can also witness beautiful, colourful folk dances and also savour delicacies of various states of India. Destinations In relation to the tourism supply chain and direct inputs to tourism, destinations provide infrastructure and services. Destination initiatives for sustainable tourism seek to improve the quality of infrastructure for example, through improvements to waste management infrastructure for solid wastes and awareness raising programmes on waste management practices , to transport systems and to reduce vehicle impacts and to increase the ability of the destination to gain from tourism. Other initiatives include the promotion of linkages between tourism sites, and promotion of a wider range of tourism activities to encourage tourists to sample different aspects of the country and thereby diversify and spread the economic benefits of tourism. A number of initiatives in destinations in many developing countries are designed to enhance local employment in tourism, such as by supporting the substitution of locally-grown and locally-manufactured products in place of imports in the tourism sector, the establishment of investment and loan funds to assist local tourism businesses to start and expand, or the setting up of employment bureaux to match employees with tourism jobs. Some destinations have set up local quality of life and sustainability programmes using sustainability indicators to monitor environmental quality, and in some cases, biodiversity, as well as monitoring visitor satisfaction and changes in tourism markets. Marketing, products and operations can then be adapted according to the monitoring information obtained. The Taj Mahal one of the Seven Wonders of the World in India attracts 2 to 4 million visitors every year with more than 200,000 from overseas. Polluting traffic is not allowed near the complex and tourist must either walk from the car parks or catch an electric bus. For security reasons only five items water in transparent bottles, small video cameras, still cameras, mobile phones and small ladies-purse are not allowed inside the Taj Mahal. Conclusions Based on various discussions in the above paper, it can be concluded that rules/ trends/models of supply chain management of manufacturing technology holds good for service sector also with reference to tourism Various aspects of services with reference to tourism are discussed separately. This paper discusses that there are many components in tourism. In each component like Accommodation, transport, food and Crafts Destination etc. there is need for Supply Chain Management to deliver quality service resulting in satisfying experience or tourist satisfaction. From the discussions in the paper it can be concluded, higher the integration of services within a particular sector (intra relationship) and also amongst the different sectors (inter relationship) of tourism, greater is the competitive advantage. Services in tourism like security of tourists, minimum waiting time at different locations, Environment friendly operations etc forms the important constituents in strategies of SCM. Supply Chain Management is a strategic tool which leads in cost reduction, optimum utilization of resource, sustainability resulting in leadership in todays global competitive market. References Jha, S.M.: Services marketing; H.P.H., Bombay, 1994. Predictions that will make you rethink your supply Chain; Supply chain management review; September/October 2002; Anderson Supplier OEM Sahay, B. S. (2000). Supply Chain Management for global competitiveness, Macmillan India Berry and Parsuraman, Marketing Services: Competing through quality (New York: The Free Press), 1991 Web sites visited: http://tourism.gov.in/statistics/statistics.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_chain_management www.http:// ITT9603 Tourism and Information Technology.htm http://www.fincorp.net/reports/tourism sector report-09-04.pdf http://www.tourism.govt.nz/tourism-toolkit/toolkit-word-docs/planning-checklist-TOUR-IND-INVEN.doc
Friday, January 17, 2020
Death of a Salesman Essay
An essay on the use of dashes in Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman The dash is a handy device, informal and essentially playful, telling you that you’re about to take off on a different tack but still in some way connected with the present course – only you have to remember that the dash is there, and either put a second dash at the end of the notion to let the reader know that he’s back on course, or else end the sentence, as here, with a period. __ Lewis Thomas How does a writer – a good writer – convey epiphanies exactly so that it’s grammatically appropriate for – eureka! – a dash is used – placed just so – to convey, establish – a mood, feeling, tone – a character feels – whilst saying a line, monologue – even an exclamation – wherein characters experience a lot of feeling and – dominance is implied when a line is ended by a dash – interruption in short – by another character – allowing the reader to see – feel – the personality – traits, characteristics – of a character subtlety. This simple line – the dash – is a many faceted gem – a treasure – that can be used to highlight many ideas – key terms – certain events jump off the page because of the use of a dash – rather than an ellipsis – causes a noticeable break – a sharp break – unlike that of an ellipsis – which immediately gives off the impression of abruptness – just as it appears visually – a sharp-edged line in the center of a line that breaks the fluidity of words – just as the dash in a sentence breaks the flow of thought or conversation. Dashes – menial as they are – give substance to a pause, break – charging it with emotion and meaning – no number of words could do the same. Although dashes may seem like a punctuation mark so rarely used, it is an integral tool in writing conversations. The dash represents a discontinuation of an intended statement – a visual representation of the abruptly derailed trail of a train of thought – allows the writer to interrupt characters – as is normal in an average conversation – like most of Linda and Willy’s conversations. Linda’s lines are often ended by a dash – interrupted by another speaker – subtlety informing the reader of Linda’s subservient personality. The dashes imply the abruptness of Willy’s interruptions – thereby insinuating that he doesn’t listen to her – including times when she expresses her adoration for him – clarifying that Willy’s view – behavior – towards Linda is rather poor- which in turn personifies Willy’s personality. â€Å"Linda: You are, Willy. The handsomest man. You’ve got no reason to feel that- Willy: I’ll make it all up to you, Linda, I’ll- Linda: There’s nothing to make up, dear. You’re doing fine, better than- Willy: What’s that? Linda: Just mending my stockings. They’re so expensive- Willy: I won’t have you mending socks in this house! Now throw them out! †(Page 39) This whole conversation establishes the relationship between Willy and Linda – Willy being the dominant – though insensible – one, while Linda is the subservient – although quite practical one – as well as giving insight to Willy’s guilt over the woman – all done with four appropriately placed dashes at the end of a character’s lines. However, dashes are not only useful at the end of lines but in the midst of a sentence as well. Just as the dash on the page is a break from the stream of words – a break in the voice is represented by a dash on the page. Thus, when a character is overcome by emotions, a dash is placed in the proper place in the sentence’s structure and a feeling of overwhelming portions is conveyed to the reader. In a tragic play such as Death of a Salesman, the proper use of the dash is essential to establish certain key conversations – and the significance of the feelings of the character – and their significance in the overall meaning of the story line. Such a conversation is seen when Willy is affirmed of Biff’s love (Page 133) – where there was placed four dashes upon the page – in the span of the conversation – each of which insinuates a great deal of emotion. It is these emotions that help build the tragedy in the story line – characterizing Willy and Biff in the process. When Biff tells his mom – or whoever it is he is speaking to – to put Willy to bed – â€Å"Put him-put him to bed. †– the dash stresses the exhaustion that Biff feels – his inability to finish his sentence implies a deep caring for his father – an overwhelming emotion. It is the strength of this emotion that astonishes Willy and awakens Willy to the fact that Biff still loves him, and the following lines he says are also broken with dashes – so choked with love and boundless joy is he – â€Å"That boy-that boy is going to be magnificent! †(Page 133). These statements foreshadow Willy’s decision to kill himself for the sake of his sons – making an impact – greater or equal to that of – Willy’s statement on page 98 – where he states â€Å"After all highways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive. †Both statements imply that Willy is going to commit suicide, playing against each other. The quote on page 98 establishes that Willy was considering the option – the possibility – while the conversation with Ben – prior to Biff’s outburst – acknowledges the cause of Willy’s hesitance and indecisiveness – the effect the suicide would leave on Biff – the opinion that Biff would have of him afterward. Thus, when Willy is offered that which is all he really wants – his life as it was before, with a loving relationship with his Adonis son and the admiration that this son once had for him – through Biff’s compassionate voice and tears – Willy makes a definite choice as to what he intends to do – first seen in his line â€Å"That boy-that boy is going to be magnificent! †(Page 133). It is this line that resolves the inner conflict that Willy feels over Biff and over his lack of success – it is in this line that Willy decides to kill himself. Without the use of the dashes, the emotions would not have been conveyed to the reader appropriately – losing its power and significance in the overall storyline. Another significant line – dash – in the play – though not necessarily filled with emotion – begins Biff’s voyage into realization and truth. A dash can represent a hesitance – changing of mind – as to what must be said to convey the thoughts – and sometimes feelings – of the character. â€Å"I tell ya, Hap, I don’t know what the future is. I don’t know-what I’m supposed to want. †The dash before â€Å"what I’m supposed to want,†allows the reader to realize that Biff’s restlessness and lack of success is not failure – not in the true sense of the word, for Biff would have to truly attempt – thus want – success in order to fail. Biff’s definition of success is different to that of his family’s and this makes him uneasy – insecure as to what his life really means. This dash allows the reader to acknowledge that Biff is at a loss of exact words to define what he means and the thoughts running through his head. It is this pause that changes the overall meaning of the sentence – without the pause, the sentence would pass over – unnoticed. The pause – dash – underlines Biff’s uncertainty which continues throughout the play – until Biff realizes the absurdity of his situation and awakens. The dash informs the reader that here lies Biff’s conflict – this dash is the resolution wherein the conflict is introduced. The dash – is the conflict. As a modern tragedy, Death of a Salesman is – when broken down – an informal play, thus the dash is the perfect punctuation for the certain situations -and sentences – that needed to be highlighted in the subconscious. The dash evokes an awareness that is subtle – sliding beneath our mind’s eye – to implant ideas – emotions and feelings – thereby creating importance to an event – or phrase. When a dash is used, it’s used to emphasize – and encourage analysis of – a phrase. The involuntary response to a dash should be curiosity – as to the purpose of this dash. A dash is not so easily used and is thus, so rarely seen. Therefore when a dash is used in writing – be it at the end of a line or in the midst of a sentence – â€Å"so attention must be paid†1! Bibliography: Arthur Miller (1949) Death of a Salesman Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA 1 Page 56 said by Linda. Jolene Kui September 6, 2002
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Solutions to Chapter 26 (Leasing)-Brealey Myers Corporate...
CHAPTER 26 Leasing Answers to Practice Questions 8. The present value of the costs and the present value of the lease payments are shown in the following table: | |t = 0 |t = 1 |t = 2 |t = 3 |t = 4 |t = 5 |t = 6 | |Initial Cost |-3000.00 | | | | | | | |Depreciation | | 600.00 | 960.00 | 576.00 | 345.60 | 345.60 | 172.80 | |Depreciation tax shield | | 210.00 | 336.00 | 201.60 | 120.96 | 120.96 | 60.48 | |After-tax admin.†¦show more content†¦We use the 9% discount rate in order to find the real value of the payments (i.e., $723.53). Then each of the subsequent payments reflects the 5% inflation rate. Solve for the break-even rent as follows: Break-even rent = $723.53/(1 – 0.35) = $1,113.13 b. With a reduction in real lease rates of 10% each year, the nominal lease amount will decrease by 5.5% each year. That is, the nominal lease rate is multiplied by a factor of (1.05 ( 0.9) = 0.945 eachShow MoreRelatedFactors That Influence the Capital Structure Decision of the Firm9372 Words  | 38 PagesDeclaration ii Acknowledgement iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v CHAPTER 1. 1.0 INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.....†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 1.1 BACKGROUND†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.....................1 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..2 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦3 1.4 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY †¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......4 CHAPTER 2 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 2.1 INTRODUCTION †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5Read MoreManaging Strategy6237 Words  | 25 Pages 25 International Business 26 Module Description 26 Learning Outcomes 26 Indicative Content 26 Indicative Reading list 27 Sample Questions 28-32 1. Module Title: Financial Management and Analysis Module Lecturer: SA Palan and Makailla McConnel 1. Module Description: This module provides a comprehensive coverage of financial management from a corporate perspective, together with a comprehensive coverage
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Aliphatic Amino Acid Definition
An amino acid is an organic molecule characterized by having a carboxyl group (-COOH), amino group (-NH2), and side chain. One type of side chain is aliphatic: Aliphatic Amino Acid Definition An aliphatic amino acid is an amino acid containing an aliphatic side chain functional group.Aliphatic amino acids are non-polar and hydrophobic. Hydrophobicity increases as the number of carbon atoms on the hydrocarbon chain increases. Most aliphatic amino acids are found within protein molecules. However, alanine and glycine may be found either inside or outside a protein molecule. Aliphatic Amino Acid Examples Alanine, isoleucine, leucine, proline, and valine, are all aliphatic amino acids. Methionine is sometimes considered an aliphatic amino acid even though the side chain contains a sulfur atom because it is fairly non-reactive like the true aliphatic amino acids.
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